劍德會 Kentokukai Kendo Club

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Kentokuaki Kendo Club

Formed by a group of experienced kendo-lovers, our mission is to promote Japanese Kendo and Iaido as recreational activities for everyone.

As an affiliated club of the Hong Kong Kendo Association (HKKA), we cooperate with HKKA and the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) to organise kendo training classes for the public.

In our regular training sessions, members undergo vigorous training of the mind and body, under careful supervision of experienced sensei (coaches).

In addition to the teaching of combat skills, we place great emphasis on the cultivation of personal character and sense of responsibility, for a comprehensive physical and mental development.

Located at Lei Yue Mun, we welcome all people who are 6 or above to join us for some seriouos trainings and fun.